Frequently Asked Questions
Farmington Hills Rubbish Removal Overview
Mailboxes & Newspapers
Homeowners receiving the Detroit News/Free Press or the Farmington Observer are asked to please check their mailboxes and paper tubes to make sure they allow for ease of delivery. Please review this list of recommendations which will make both mail delivery and newspaper delivery easier during the winter months.
Snow Removal
When you or your snow removal company remove snow from the driveway, please also clear in front of the mailbox and fire hydrant if one is present on your property. Do not shovel of snowplow/blow snow into an already plowed street.
The following items are able to be placed in your recycling bin without being sorted.
As technology improves, we have been able to require much less preparation of the recyclables for pick-up. No longer must a resident remove labels or caps from food containers. Here are a few tips on how to make your recycling as easy as possible:
Farmington Hills Rubbish Removal Overview
- Pick Up day is Wednesday between 7 am and 4 pm (times may vary)
- Garbage cans, bags, and bundles should be placed at the curb or at the edge of the street in front of the home no earlier than 6 pm on the day before collection.
- All containers must be removed from the curb no later than two hours following collection.
- City Public Works website
Mailboxes & Newspapers
Homeowners receiving the Detroit News/Free Press or the Farmington Observer are asked to please check their mailboxes and paper tubes to make sure they allow for ease of delivery. Please review this list of recommendations which will make both mail delivery and newspaper delivery easier during the winter months.
- If you are no longer receiving a newspaper, remove the tube.
- If the tubes are in need of repair, please contact the newspaper to request a new one.
- If the papers are delivered in a slot in your mailbox, please check to see if any repairs are necessary.
- Make sure the slot in your mailbox intended for the paper is large enough to accommodate the papers you receive.
- If you replace your mailbox with one that requires a tube attachment, please test the placement on the post from your vehicle before attaching.
- If you cannot easily reach the tube when you drive up then neither can the carriers. Please adjust or replace your mailbox and/or tubes so they can be easily reached.
Snow Removal
When you or your snow removal company remove snow from the driveway, please also clear in front of the mailbox and fire hydrant if one is present on your property. Do not shovel of snowplow/blow snow into an already plowed street.
The following items are able to be placed in your recycling bin without being sorted.
- Plastic Containers with Lids - examples include: all narrow-neck and wide-mouth plastic bottles and containers #1, #2, #4, #5 #6 (NO Styrofoam), #7.
- #2 Bulky Plastics - examples include: cat litter buckets, large plastic pails, and molded kid’s furniture.
- Newspaper, Magazines and Catalogs
- Junk Mail, Office Paper and Phonebooks
- Cardboard and Boxboard - examples include: pizza boxes, shipping boxes, and food boxes. Flatten as needed.
- Paper drink cartons - Empty, plastic-coated paper beverage cartons such as milk and juice cartons. Remove caps and straws. Do not flatten.
- Glass bottles and Jars - all colors are accepted and lids and labels are acceptable
- Household metals - examples include: empty cans, foil, pans and small scrap metal
- Plastic bags
- Polystyrene Foam (Sytrofoam)
- Plastic and metal clothing and coat hangers
- Plastic cutlery and straws
- Facial tissue, toilet paper, paper towel, napkins
- Batteries
As technology improves, we have been able to require much less preparation of the recyclables for pick-up. No longer must a resident remove labels or caps from food containers. Here are a few tips on how to make your recycling as easy as possible:
- Please rinse containers.
- Labels do not need to be removed.
- Keep caps on plastic bottles and containers.
- Place all recycling items loose into your bin/cart.
- Please don’t place items into plastic bags. This will just make more work for the employees who separate the materials at the Southfield Materials Recovery Facility, where much sorting is done by hand.
- You may wish to flatten cardboard or paperboard boxes, to allow for more space in your bin/cart
Can I have solar panels?
Yes, solar panels are now allowed based on state rules that supersede our HOA guidelines. All plans must be approved by the board of directors. To read more about the homeowner's energy policy act click here:
What is the policy on garage sales in the subdivision?
The association sponsors one sub wide garage sale each year. We adapted the recommendation from the Farmington Hills Police Dept. that individual, non-sanctioned garage sales be discouraged for safety reasons…both traffic as well as criminal. However, Individual homeowners may conduct garage sales on their private property, as long as they are done in accordance with the applicable City of Farmington Hills Ordinance. For details, call the City Zoning Department at (248) 871-2520.
Whom shall I contact regarding additions to my home?
Any addition or changes to current structures must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors at [email protected] prior to the start of any construction. The Board will review the document to make sure it complies with the Rules and Regulations of Farmington Square.
When are Board meetings held?
The monthly Board meetings take place in members' homes the second Monday of each month. All residents are welcome to attend. Please contact the President for information regarding the next meeting.
When is the Annual Meeting?
The Annual Meeting (during which all nominations to Board positions take place) is held the First Monday of December @ 7 pm. Notice will be posted in the subdivision and online one month prior.
Yes, solar panels are now allowed based on state rules that supersede our HOA guidelines. All plans must be approved by the board of directors. To read more about the homeowner's energy policy act click here:
What is the policy on garage sales in the subdivision?
The association sponsors one sub wide garage sale each year. We adapted the recommendation from the Farmington Hills Police Dept. that individual, non-sanctioned garage sales be discouraged for safety reasons…both traffic as well as criminal. However, Individual homeowners may conduct garage sales on their private property, as long as they are done in accordance with the applicable City of Farmington Hills Ordinance. For details, call the City Zoning Department at (248) 871-2520.
Whom shall I contact regarding additions to my home?
Any addition or changes to current structures must be submitted in writing to the Board of Directors at [email protected] prior to the start of any construction. The Board will review the document to make sure it complies with the Rules and Regulations of Farmington Square.
When are Board meetings held?
The monthly Board meetings take place in members' homes the second Monday of each month. All residents are welcome to attend. Please contact the President for information regarding the next meeting.
When is the Annual Meeting?
The Annual Meeting (during which all nominations to Board positions take place) is held the First Monday of December @ 7 pm. Notice will be posted in the subdivision and online one month prior.